Guess what? A women can look childless just by bathing with a soap bar made of “haldi & chandan kay gud samaye… sant*** sant***”
So, I was actually wondering, if by using a bar of soap can make you look 10 years younger, then what will happen to a 9 year old? I bet she would land up in the uterus? 😛 #PunIntended
These commercial soap bar asserts to contain cream, milk, almonds, shea butter, avocado for just rupees 25. WOW!! That’s cheap! Once I was watching TV and my heart skipped a beat, when I saw a soap commercial claiming that the soap contains scrub, moisturizer and sunscreen as well. Again for rupees 65… Really??
Well, I think it’s better to use a handmade soap instead of these misleading products available in retail. Here are some of my favorite handmade soaps available on Amazon India (Click each link below to know more):
- Soulflower Charcoal You Smell Good Soap, 150g
- Khadi Mix Fruit Soap
- Gourmet Black Bath – Luxury Soap with Activated Charcoal & Lemongrass
- Ancient Ayurveda ‘GOTUKOLA ‘Anti-Aging’ WoodAsh Soap
- Khadi Sandalwood Soap

5 reasons to use a handmade soap:
- Commercial soap are mostly made by using hardeners, synthetic agents & detergents. While, handmade soap are a created using oils, lye and organic ingredients. You might think that lye is not safe for skin. But, once the oils and lye emulsify the process of saponification begins. Thus, resulting in a handcrafted soap.
- One of the major ingredient in handmade soaps is glycerin. Glycerin is a miracle ingredient, it maintains the water balance of the skin, moistures & nourishes the skin.
- Handmade soaps are scented with essential oils only. These essential oils offer therapeutic properties with super relaxing aromatic experience.
- Using commercial soap overtime will leave your skin dry or too oily, it may also lead to skin breakouts and rashes. But, handmade soaps helps restore moisture in skin, prevents dryness and gently cleans the skin.
- Handmade soaps preserve the integrity of its ingredients like oils, butter and fats. For example, if coconut oil is used to make a soap then during saponification the natural vitamins, minerals and skin loving qualities of the oil will be preserved. Thus making it fit to use.
Click here to get your very own handmade soap from Amazon India.

You can get handmade soaps in beautiful shapes and fragrance varieties. Look for the following handmade soap with these essential oils:
- Lavender oil handmade soap – This oil is popular for its relaxing and skin repairing properties
- Citrus/Lemon/Orange oil handmade soaps – Lends invigorating & known for antimicrobial qualities
- Lemongrass oil handmade soap – Helps cure and prevent skin allergies
- Coconut oil handmade soap – For supple and well moisture skin
- Eucalyptus oil handmade soap – This soap has a medical smell. Mostly used in winters as the aroma helps relieve cold symptoms & sinus congestion.

Well, now look out for your favorite handmade soap. I usually buy mine from lush. Lush provides fresh handmade cosmetics. However, one might feel that the products are premium, but trust me they are worth it.
You can get bath, hair, skin care, fragrances, handmade soaps, and gift boxes from Lush store online. All products are vegetarian.